Cardiovascular Diagnostics
Welcome to the Cardiovascular Diagnostics Department
If you are a provider with a patient showing cardiovascular symptoms—or a patient who has been referred for diagnostic testing—Monroe Surgical Hospital is the place to go. Our caring and experienced team caters to both patients and providers in our pleasant facility with easy parking and short wait times.
Monroe Surgical offers a number of cardiovascular diagnostic services. These include transthoracic echocardiograms and stress echocardiograms. Our licensed technologists have more 50 years combined experience in cardiac and vascular ultrasound.
Our efficient lab recently achieved the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Bronze Milestone for 20 years of accreditation by the IACEL in echocardiography and stress echocardiography.
Our services also include cardiac monitoring systems such as Holter monitors and event monitors. Our board-certified cardiologists and radiologists interpret our studies with supervising physicians approved by Medicare. These physicians help with our Quality Assurance program that documents standards of care for patients, technologists and the equipment we use.
We send final dictated reports and images to the ordering physicians’ office automatically, as soon as they are interpreted. Patients are welcome to request these materials in writing.
Come see us at Monroe Surgical Hospital: simply the best in diagnostic scans!